21 Jul

Someone recently said; "Looking up, you are suddenly aware that you are in the sniper zone!". Being in your seventh decade is like being caught in a rip tide. You know so much, you have gone through such a lot and yet you feel vulnerable, illiterate and constantly on catch up. Everyone seems to be talking at you, watching each other, tugging at you, criticising, comparing, competing, racing along; it is all very cerebral. 

Solace, a retreat into stillness. If I am in a "Rip" then gently swimming almost floating horizontally with the shoreline brings acceptance and peace. 

It is very difficult living in this 21st century and not fitting in sometimes... but what I have is enough, it's ok to just do what I do. If I've learnt anything, it's ok to be part of The Rip and away from the safe shore.

Image © copyright Jill Swarbrick-Banks 2024.

'La Tene'. oils on canvas. 120 x 140 cm. 1991. Private collection in the Netherlands.

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